How to Set-Up Custom Decals & Personalize Your Game

With these easy-to-follow instructions you’ll be able to install, set-up, and add custom Rocket League in-game decals from the #MadeByMELO Artist Shop and personalize your Rocket League game with BakkesMod & AlphaConsole on PC in no time.

Before You Start
Pick up a custom Octane, Takumi, Fennec, and/or Dominus, car decal #MadeByMELO from the Game On Collection in the #MadebyMELO Artist Shop and buckle up. You’ll be peaking with siiick Rocket League graphics and more personalized features in no time! After you set everything up, if you post your new custom-designed decal, tag @melographics1 #MadeByMELO!
If you’re new to the game or we’re curious about how Rocket League boosted through the gaming scene and became the e-sports phenomenon it is today. Check out A Deep-dive into the History and Future of Rocket League by MELOGRAPHICS.
How to Set-Up Custom Decals & Graphics in Rocket League
What You’ll Need (PC Only)
BakkesMod Program - free
AlphaConsole Plugin - free
Rocket League Game - free, pc required for decals
#MadeByMELO Custom Rocket League Decal Zip | #MadeByMELO Artist Shop
About BakkesMod
BakkesMod Installation Instructions
BakkesMod Features
About AlphaConsole
AlphaConsole Features
AlphaConsole Instructions
Now that you have Rocket League, BakkesMod , and AlphaConsole installed on your PC here’s how to install custom decals in-game. The instructions below apply to any decal type (e.g. car, ball, etc.) just ensure that you have Rocket League and Bakkesmod closed when adding new files so they update and inject when launching the game and Bakkesmod. If you don’t already have a cool decal to try out, pick one up in my shop, or request a custom service to have a personalized car decal #MadeByMELO with your logo to use in Rocket League with BakkesMod and AlphaConsole.
Custom Rocket League Decal Set-Up Instructions
Open Rocket League and make sure you do not have any decals equipped any you have the appropriate car body for the decal (e.g. octane, takumi, dominus, fennec, etc.)
Launch BakkesMod (automatically injects when rocket league is open)
On your PC:
Go to “File”, then click on “Open BakkesMod folder”
Go to Data > acplugin > DecalTextures (for car decals) - pin or create a shortcut to this folder to make it easier to find.
Close Rocket League so the new files can be added and injected in the next steps
Download and save the MadeByMELO zip file to your PC
Extract the MadeBYMELO folder (the whole folder/all contents) from the zip file and save the folder to your PC inside the “DecalTextures” folder you pinned earlier. (Data>acplugin>DecalTextures)
Open Rocket League (tip: restart BakkesMod too if the decal list doesn’t refresh)
Press F2 to open Bakkesmod
Press F5 To open AlphaConsole Plugin menu
Click Cosmetics tab
Select the MadebyMELO decal from the dropdown list
Have fun! Take clips and pics of your new drip and tag @melographics1 #MadeByMELO on social and GifYourGame so we can connect!

Digital Artist & Gaming Content Creator
If you found this post helpful or have ideas/suggestions for future content, let me know in the MELO SPACE Discord or send me a message on Ko-Fi!

Artist Attribution
Support-A-Creator Code: MELOGRAPHICS
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